Cheap Grace Vs. Legalism
Grace is a free gift that costs everything. It costs Jesus his life. But many subscribe to a cheap grace that is often associated with an entitled mindset. God owes me. Now- before self-righteousness kicks in, realize that there is truth to this idea. The promises of God are clear for those that believe.
On one hand we cannot be morally lax, (God is not mocked) on the other hand too many people are stuck beating themselves up for sin. There is no condemnation! We are saved by grace through faith.
But remember, the cost of discipleship is your self, your life - all of who you are. In fact, the gospel and the word is designed to kill self. An issue with the Best Life message is that there is still life. In other words, life happens. The good, bad and ugly.
What do we do when we are promised both blessings as heirs and suffering and persecution as sons? How do we live in this divine tension?
I think one issue comes in the arena of order. Some, through their works and through the law- (legalism) attempt to earn grace, and earn God's love. However, a Gospel centered posture understands grace and the love of God and as a result the doing of good works follows. We cannot but do good when we truly begin to understand the incomparably more that God has done for us. Out of this motivation we serve. be continued
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